Research Projects for MDR-Tuberculosis

Kunihiko Ito, Satoshi Mitarai

Our project is investigating the mechanism by which resistance to anti-tuberculosis drugs is acquired, with the aim of preventing and controlling MDR-TB. Accordingly, the project is conducting the following studies, all of which started in fiscal 2002 and therefore we have no tangible outputs such as papers yet. We will publish papers as outputs of the following studies in the coming years:
1. Clinical study on the adverse effects of anti-TB drugs
2. Clinical study on recurrent tuberculosis
3. Investigation of preventable acquired resistance, and the strategy of public health agencies to prevent cases of acquired resistance
4. Study of therapeutic drug monitoring of anti-TB drugs (Mycobacterium Reference Center, MRC)
5. Study of adopted immunity therapy for MDR TB (MRC)

In the two years to date, we have accumulated data on the adverse effects of anti-TB drugs for around 700 patients, and for around 3,000 patients for 11 years. We have already written draft reviews on the adverse effects of anti-TB drugs. We have also accumulated data on the functions of TB advisory committees, cases of TDM, and adoptive immunotherapy. In addition , we are reviewing the adverse effects of anti-TB drugs in order to compile a manual for the management of these adverse effects.

updated 05/08/23